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Mtatsminda Park is 81 years old .  RSS 2.0

Mtatsminda Park is 81 years old .

Mtatsminda Park is 81 years old on July 24, in honor of this day, the organizers promise to hold a number of events. In the Park throughout the day residents and guests of Tbilisi will be able to entertain their children in the children's area on all attractions, including the roller coaster, with a 50 percent discount. 20:00, on the veranda of the club Angerville will host a concert of Georgian group "Hamouli Mdgomareoba", who will perform their biggest hits. At 21:00, visitors to Mtatsminda Park will see the solemn lighting of lights on a giant wheel. This spectacle will be seen from different parts of Tbilisi.

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